Who We Are

北京顺鑫建筑规划设计研究院有限公司前身为北京中翰国际建筑设计有限 司,成立于 1989 年,具有建设部颁发的建筑工程设计甲级资质,2001 年通过 ISO9001 质量体系认证,是北京市高新技术企业单位,是中国绿色产业研究院单 位。公司于 2014 年经改制重组成为北京顺鑫集团旗下控股公司。

Why Choose Us

顺鑫建设致力于打造国内一流的集勘查设计、建筑施工、项目管理为一体的 建筑服务商,并创新形成了集规划、设计、建造、融资、运营于一体的经营模式。 经过多年发展,公司已形成以北京总部为核心、辐射周边省份的全国多点分部的 发展格局,并在河北、河南、山东、陕西、内蒙古、云南、青海、甘肃等地建立 了分支机构。目前,公司的设计业务遍布国内各大城市,涉及宾馆酒店、商业设 施、部队建设、公寓住宅、办公楼、工业园区、卫生医疗、文化教育等各个领域,

“It was an absolute pleasure to work with ArchiArch on the SML project. The team took the time to understand us and our unique requirements in a collaborative manner, and was able to translate this into a cost effective building design which really captured the ethos of what we wanted to do.” Black White, WMG, University of Virginia,

How We Work

公司主要从事建筑设计、规划设计、景观设计、室内设计四大板块业务,现有各类设计人员 300 余人,其中包括国家一级注册建筑师、国家一级注册结构工程师等各类专业技术 人员共计 200 余人。

Integral to our business is a culture of social responsibility where all employees are obliged and trained in the execution of our work and general conduct to respect one another, our clients, the users of our projects and the general public. Led by our HR Manager, we have a dedicated Welfare Team that is responsible for promoting and implementing our ethics.

Environmental Management System

Our Environmental Management System (EMS) is ISO 14001 accredited and builds on our previous policies and initiatives to coordinate a structured method of setting targets, objectives and realistic programmes for environmental awareness and understanding. Split into two main parts—Office Activities and Office Projects—it acts as an overall guide to the way our practice will continue to achieve its long-standing reputation for our commitment to running a low- impact office, minimising our own personal carbon footprints and designing sustainable master plans and buildings.

In 2008 we signed up to the Islington Sustainable Energy Partnership (ISEP) commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by 40% by 2020. In 2013 we won the ISEP’s Carbon Reduction Awards having reduced our carbon footprint by 47% since signing up to the commitment.

In 2012 we made the WRAP commitment to halve waste to landfill. To see all our projects with exceptional sustainability features view these in our projects section.

Quality Assurance

We have held ISO 9001 Quality Assurance accreditation since 2004. We carry out three levels of internal project review: Quality Audit—where we carry out a detailed review at each design stage to check our project procedures and standard systems are in place and implemented effectively.

Design Review—where we hold a wide ranging design assessment at each design stage to ensure the design is of the highest quality possible and delivering what our clients require. Technical Review—where we carry out an in-depth technical review of drawing information and specification at pre-tender stage to ensure they are coordinated and consistent.

Every year we invite our clients to take part in an independent customer satisfaction survey to provide candid feedback on every aspect of our service. We have consistently scored very highly in these surveys. There are two aspects of Health and Safety for us as designers and constructors; the health and safety of our teams and the health, safety and well-being of collaborators, users and the general public in design. For the former we have our Health & Safety Policy; for the latter we have our CDM Practice Policy. We have been accredited with the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) since 2009.